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Frank Mihal comments on Realtor bus bench ads that are false!

Frank Mihal | January 13th, 2010


Fraser Valley Real Estate Video Blog #36 - January 13th 2010

Frank Mihal comments on Realtor bus bench ads that are false!

Frank Mihal video blogs about Realtors who claim on their bus bench ads to be experts in absolutely every type of real estate transaction possible! There is no such thing as an real estate expert in residential, commercial, bare land, time shares etc etc. Realtors may sometimes just say these things to try and scrape any business from any real estate avenue. They will simply not be able to do their client justice if they are representing them in an area they do not know that well. He stresses that buyers and sellers should find the expert for the particular property they are planning on buying or selling. If you have any questions/comments, or need a referral, feel free to contact Frank at http://www.frankmihal.ca